
One Year Anniversary Party + Vendor Show                                          September 24th, 2016

One Year Anniversary Party + Vendor Show                                          September 24th, 2016

As part of a personal journey to better health, Erica Crystol, who manages a wellness office, looked for solutions to health and well-being beyond traditional Western Medicine.

"After experiencing a rare reaction to a joint injection that negatively altered the course of my health, I began to research holistic medicine and the internal and external effects of chemicals in and on the body," she recalled. "I learned that what you put onto your body was equally as important as what you put into your body."

In addition to skin care products, Erica also produces herbal tinctures and blends essential oils. By combining all natural ingredients, the wellness and beauty goods that she offers are free of additives, harsh chemicals or artificial ingredients.

*Craft Pittsburgh Magazine - Issue #32   July/August 2017                                              Article courtesy of : Beth Kurtz Taylor